Long-distance trekking tours


Long-distance trekking tours

Dare adventure. leave the beaten track and follow us away from civilization

These are our best long-distance trekking in Sardinia. All long-distance trekking are led by a local guide and supported by our team, and always include a transfer to or back to the starting point. Apart from the Trekking delle Bocche, which meanders near towns and hamlets along the northern coastline, all other trekkings are based on remote mountainous regions, away from roads or any trace of civilization. On the trekking Selvaggio Blu, and the crossing of Gennargentu and Supramonte there are no refuges or any places where to eat. There are no lavatories and no facilities at all, just trees and rocks. We shall carry food, water, tent, sleeping bags and bare minimum items to be independent for a few days. 

The Selvaggio Blu is the hardest trekking in Sardinia and in the whole Mediterranean. It cannot be traversed without crucial logistic support. The terrain is so hard and many passages are so flimsy that a heavy backpack may not only be of a hindrance but even dangerous. That is why 40 Gradi Nord’s team offers an all-around service carrying heavy luggage and providing all food, including breakfast, packed lunch and dinner. Our portions are very generous and the menu is made of typical Sardinian specialities cooked with fresh local products. Oh yes, don’t forget the gallons of Cannonau wine and myrtle liqueur. 

The crossing of Gennargentu and Supramonte also are located on remote mountains, away from main roads and towns. Anyhow, they are not as hard as the Selvaggio Blu. Therefore we give you a chance to choose whether to do it with or without logistic support. If you prefer to walk these trekkings without logistic support, the price will be significantly lower. Each participant should be independent and choose carefully each item that will go inside the backpack. On the other hand, if you prefer to have our support, you will be walking with a light backpack, while our team will carry heavy luggage on offroad vehicles and prepare all the food in over-abundant portions. 

While the price of the Selvaggio Blu includes the cost of the camp-site on the night before and after the trekking, all the other long-distance trekking do not include the cost of accommodation. If you would like to take a hotel or B&B before or after the trekking we would like to provide suggestions of where to go. 

Tailored tours

We can create tailored tours to meet all your needs.


Our guides have a large knowledge of the territory and know how to solve the most diverse problems tourists can face. Say, we know that traveling through Sardinia for the first time, one soon realizes that the island is much bigger than one expected. It takes a lot of time to cross Sardinia coast to coast, and the mountains are a long drive away. On this page, you will find our most requested tours. This does not mean we cannot create alternatives to our tours, or even recommend different tours altogether.

For any information or request, you can call us or send us a message filling in the module on the contact page.

È possibile organizzare il transfer delle valige?

Yes, of course! Per tutti i nostri tour guidati di più giorni organizziamo il transfer di valige e altro equipaggiamento pesante o voluminoso. Camminare tutto il giorno con uno zaino pesante si rivela spesso una fatica inutile, che aumenta l’ansia di arrivare a destinazione e fa perdere interesse nel cammino.

Su richiesta è possibile eliminare questo servizio, ma è importante che tutti i partecipanti siano pienamente d’accordo.

Nei tuor di più giorni è incluso anche il cibo?

Yes, of course! I tour complrendono colazione, pranzo al sacco e cena.

Saprete che i sardi sono molto orgogliosi del loro cibo, e ci teniamo a farvi assaggiare le nostre specialità. I paesi che circondano le catene montuose del Gennargentu e Supramonte hanno sviluppato delle pietanze molto semplici e gustose, che assaggeremo in un contesto unico. Dagli insaccati e i formaggi alla carne arrosto, sino ai dolci e i nostri liquori, il viaggio nei sapori e negli odori della Sardegna non può essere completo senza una vera cena in montagna.